Customer Retention & Donor Retention


Building Relationship

Customer retention is crucial to running a successful business. Your clients should view your business as their preferred choice for their needs at all times. To retain their loyalty, they need to know what sets your business apart and feel valued.

To keep your customers or donors engaged, it’s essential to have a simple and timely customer communication program. A thank-you note or a special email offer can go a long way. Personalizing your interactions with clients can also increase their interest in taking action.

At Mybrightdea, we recommend using various communication forms and channels to maximize their impact on your customers. Ongoing communication is an affordable way to protect your valuable asset – your customers or donors.

What marketing strategies can drive customer retention?

Mybrightdea has the knowledge and experience to provide your business with proven customer relationship management strategies that can increase both customer and donor retention. These strategies deepen your closest client relationships to drive more loyalty and build new customer relationships for ongoing business.



A college aimed to increase alumni donations to a namesake fund for their 60th anniversary celebration. However, previous fundraising efforts had not met expectations with only 6% of 12,000 graduates donating.


Mybrightdea created a personalized multi-channel marketing campaign using mail tracking, call tracking, and online ad follow-up. Personalized postcards were sent to over 10,000 alumni, and phone calls generated by the mailing were tracked. The postcard directed alumni to personalized web pages where they could update their personal information and share photos and stories on a “memory wall”. The website featured a “donate now” button and visitors were also tagged for follow-up digital ads on the Google Display Network for 30 days.


  • The school raised more than $13,000 in the first week alone.
  • The fundraising goal was exceeded by 30%.
  • Online ads garnered more than 150,000 impressions.
  • The website created an engaged alumni community that could be further nurtured for ongoing support.

Why Personalization Works!
More than 84% of consumers say personalization made them more likely to open a direct mail piece, according to InfoTrends research.

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